Worth a Try
/Question: Why is history so popular?
Answer: Because it’s so cheap to write about.
Another ole sore head decked by-heck all in corduroy
told his equally fashionable son, “Just trying to think
about something as frightening or dangerous
won’t necessarily make it so – but it’s worth a try.”
So okay, I’ll concede you this much:
under many City conditions, suffering does
bring out the best in people, but also note –
this does not include those doing the suffering.
If you wait for them to invite you,
you’ll probably be the last to arrive.
Down in the City, from a crowd in the park,
a voice arose over and over,
“My name is Troy – have you seen Helen?”…
think of it – “Have you seen Helen?”…
a figure of dubious existence publicly seeking
a twice removed enigma – AND his routine
environment taking it seriously – and more than that,
a local reporter solemnly interviewing him for a story.
(By such fascinating intrigues, through such exhilarating
slaloms does the Secondary sector succeed and confound.)