Extra Chairs

The Hardships And Travails Of Secondary World Sojourns
As Exemplified By Excerpts From A Certain City Sailor’s Diary:

“After months of winds favorable than ill, we rounded Cape Hope
and with spirits high, fought upwards through those seas lo and east
of the subcontinent, and after much tack, plotting, danger and dread,
finally made secure landing in the beautiful bay at the foot of Kilimanjaro.” 
There it be – a faithful log of faithful mans’ mortal journey…(and I couldn’t
have said it better me-self.)

One rooty looking ole man said to the kid,
“On this fine day I say to you, a man with
an extra chair may expect company.” 
And the nipper scratched a body part
and replied, “Yeah, but if I was some ordinary
off spring I could say that such a man might
just be he who has one too many chairs,”
which brought the elder to his feet exclaiming,
“Ah yes, but you not so saying simply proves my point.”
(And upon further reflection, and additional scratching,
the youth was about as impressed as one could be –
under the circumstances.)


A man who can make footnotes with his tongue,
may owe less on overdue books than you and your kind.


At a certain time in his life, one particular man,
finding himself at a particular place in his life,
made the following determination:
“I shall henceforth say only that which already I have said.”


From the “Give Us Now Our Daily Subversive Directions” deployment:
One must fight any internal tendency toward normalcy.
