Friday Fun

The most requested record at one of the gods’ discos is,
“Pick Up The Pieces,” while across town at another club
the deities' favorite tune is, “CAUSE The Pieces.”


Anyone who really believes
they can remember
what they’re worried about
deserves to remember.


Proposed example of a “Great (if not working) Partnership”:

First guy:  Got a joke for you.”

Partner:     “Okay, let’s have it.”

First guy:  “Two men walk into a bar…”

Partner:     “A hah-hah…oh, ah hah-hah hah.”

First guy:  Oh, you heard it?”

Partner:     “No, never, but it’s hilarious.”


If you know how,
having fun can be as tiring as toil.


The good treatment for some ills
is a kind touch and a reassuring word;
for others, neglect.  To “heal thyself,”
you must be familiar with both.

