Location, Location, Location
/One ruler, once firmly in place,
decreed that the only forms of treason
would be in praise for the kind
which was subtle, or oblique.
One man, in his burgeoning attempt to become his neighborhood's resident philosopher, says that his best idea so far is as follows, “Only those WITH no reason to live, HAVE a reason to live.” (He publicly admits he’s not sure exactly what this means, but privately says he’s not certain that’s important in his preferred line of work.)
Things are only true
in the locale where they’re true.
And yet another member of our audience
corresponds to say that as a
“courtesy to all concerned,” he personally
is not gonna mention it again.
On a “curious little planet”
(it’s not really “curious,”
I just added that to help you relax
and swallow the rest of the story),
they have replaced such words as,
“anger, aggression, hatred” and all of
their synonyms,with the word, “god.”