Acts & Facts

Some distance from here
is a small planet that’s so poor
they can’t afford a Religion
so they just issued a Warning.


Then there was this other guy
who turned to himself and said,
“Hey, if you don’t wanna hear me
telling what kinda guy I am
don’t be hangin’ around.”


The difference between
acts and facts:

Needs are primary,
explanations otherwise.


One afternoon a bunch of young gods were sittin’ around, doing nothing, and one of them said, “What’ll we do now?” and another said, “I don’t know,” then another one said, “Hey, my Dad’s got an empty barn he is not using,” and another one said, “My Mom can sew costumes,” and then another jumped up and said, “And my uncle used to be in vaudeville…"  "Hey – let’s put on a Creation!”


One guy says, (maybe referring to himself, to life, or hell – almost ANYthing),oneguy says,
“I can’t exaggerate this enough…”
