Weekend Escape


One brother was berating another over his hoarding of newspapers, “No one’s interested in yesterday’s news.” A passing subversive heard him and repeated it to himself and thought, “No one’s interested in yesterdays news…no one’s interested in yesterdays news…you know, no one in the City’s got any room to say that.”


Playing with words can be like playing with infinity…
(of course this all depends on how you verbally play with the word “infinity.”)


Over near a wine tree I encountered a guy who looked at me, looked away,
then looked back at me…then looked away again…then looked back at me and finally said,
“I’ve generally been able to bear up reasonably well under the strain and uncertain of mortal life, but what still gives moi nightmares is to think of the day when fear does pull up,
comes to a complete stop and dismounts”…(he looked away again.)


The phases of the moon
can be seen as a metaphor
for the phases of the moon.



On the back of the ticket it said,
“The price of admission to the ‘Weekend Escape
At The Super Holy Vineyard And Monastery’
includes all food, drinks and bullets.”
