Short Insane Ideas That Make Sense
/If you’re going to show up later anyhow,
No need to be on time now.
Short insane ideas that make sense
could prove danger to someone’s cup-of-tea.
Some who love their sleep say that the first rays of sunrise are the worst,
and a Revolutionist once told some interested visitors the same thing
except he didn’t mention beds,
or daybreak...
(Ah the steady march forward of winsome talk and Wild Turkey):
Over in a small bar in the next time zone
a fellow climbed onto the bar and delivered
the following verbal bouquet:
“I used to speak in riddles,
but now I speak in rhymes,
I used to live on quarters,
but now I feast on dimes;
I've never met a thought so formidable
that it could not be chopped,
nor a word so pithy
that it couldn’t be dropped.”
(Need I tell you that his next round was on me.)
Up toward the front of the auditorium was one man proclaiming:
“We’re all on a fast trip to destruction…"
while back near the rear another figure was announcing:
“We’re on a slow cruise to paradise.”
(And wandering up and down the aisles was a chap selling
broken calendars and out-dated watches.)