Curiouser & Curiouser

In a serious world,
those shot first, bleed first.

After hearing someone say that,
“The mind trying to examine itself is like a very tall person
standing on a chair to make combing his hair easier.”
This one dude said, “So, where else would he stand?”


On three sister satellites over in the laterally temperate sector
I witnessed the following:
On the first world the people who oftimes cry out,
“Stand back, here comes the gods and they’re hungry!
and on the second orb this shout was periodically heard,
“Make way – the gods are horny!
and on the third planet, which seemed to promise the most,
and threaten great reversals, you could sometimes hear the locals
saying amongst themselves,
“You better wait it, the gods are curious again.”


There are those who cry over beauty,
and those who cry over tragedy.

(Oh yeah, and there are some others too.)


In his wine, the most just of rulers can become dangerous,
but who cares about the drinking habits of a “tyrant” –
the worst is already known –
