Pull Together or Fly Apart
/Over on a certain planet, the cry of one young group was,
“If we can’t change the world,
at least we can change ourselves;
and if we can’t change ourselves,
at least we can change the world !”
(I must look back in on them one day.)
Inscription on a public building of an obscure civilization as yet to be rediscovered:
“Would there be the need for us to ‘pull ourselves together’ were we not about
to fly apart?” (Perhaps “rediscover” is too kind a word…perhaps.)
Believe it or not,
see it or don’t –
it’s still staring at you from right over the hill –
All of life is a matter of conflicting common interests.
An author with a typewriter in his bathroom
may be considered a serious threat.
“Whoa, don’t say that…”
“Don’t say what?”
“I thought you were going to say that everything’s a fait accompli.”
“Whoa, then I won’t say that.”
“Whoa – Whew!”