Who Said That?!


There is, of course, the “kiddie version” of the Revolutionists ark,
wherein are
at least two views of everything.


There’s gonna be this one guy who always brought his own drugs and
entertainment with him wherever he went,
even when empty handed at a nudist colony.


One rainy day while his little grey cells were just sitting around noodling, one
group of them said, “Only those who can hear the difference between Haydn
and Mozart know the difference.” And shortly another cellular collection
replied, “But only those who know that there is a difference between Haydn
and Mozart can hear a difference,” and finally the man himself spoke up and
said, “Would you repeat that last part again?” And quite startled, both groups
yelled, “Who said that?!”


One young lad, in his burgeoning attempt to become his own
advisor and philosopher, said to himself,
“What’s the good of having something if you’re just going to use it.”
(Well, I told you his efforts were inchoate.)


The “external world” is a perfectly beautiful metaphor for your internal one,
for the very reasons you should have now come to suspect.
