Use It or Accuse It

“Oh, okay, I’ll grant you this much,
on a comparative chart I'd guess the location of
irony is somewhere above the discovery of spit.”


A certain would-be intellectual celebrity I recently met
in one of your larger cities,
told me that one of his operational mottos was to
“never quote anyone you can’t whip.”


If you don’t use it,
You got to accuse it.


Since his son was temporarily away,
this one father was lothe to offer himself some
advice, and so he said, “Look here, you can believe this;
if someone tries to convince you of something – anything –
they do not fully understand the subject on which they
speak, or else they do not understand how life is arranged in man”…
(He seemed rather pleased with this self directed interlude
although he did express
some displeasure over his wordiness.)


In the grip of some sort of passing fit-or-other,
one fellow thought, “Any god that I could
perceive of is hardly worth thinking about.”
