(Consumer Warning Edition)
All would-be prognosticators might note this:
The future does give some warning of its approach,
in that it is always gabbing.
From the head of the
Fantasmological Food and Drug Administration
comes this bulletin:
“Many ideas, once verbalized, begin a process of immediate decay.”
“Hey Pop, did he say many?”
“Yeah kid, ‘many’ like in all…’many’ like in…
According to that downtown bookstore over on that supplemental world,
this season’s best seller is a little number entitled,
“The Making Of A Saint:
How To Deplete Your Testosterone Level.”
All profit-and-loss transactions are basically humorous,
and if you find one’s that not,
you may rest assured that it would cost you dearly.
One History waved its arm in dismissal and scoffed,
“Myths – hah, just let me at ‘em.”