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Jan Cox Talk 127, Oct 4, 1984, runtime 1:09
[Energy transfers in Life with heat as the currency of interchange. Things either being heated or cooled. Relation to E-C gate. Can't run in heated mode or cool mode constantly. Heat used by Life to maintain its health and effect a healing process. There cannot be a thermodynamic equilibrium or else no circulation of energy can occur; based on imbalance; tension, rigor. Neuralize this within your own process. Energy exchange, heat gain/loss in "psychological" areas = actual physiological thermodynamic process. Man's search for thermodynamic equilibrium in e.g., Buddha's middle path, Greeks golden mean, beatnik's "be cool, man". C is associated with heating; no heat = no C. D can be heated in a special way and has a very specific smell, specific perverse feel. C has a specific feel in the same way. ]
[All heat is controversial: is controversy. Stagnation and safety where no controversy exists; increased symmetry, stability. If something gets heated too rapidly it will break the vessel. Message too hot will rupture the medium. Relation to carrying This Thing public. Can't be too drastic.]
[The "Problem Man" sends bill for solving problem, but doesn't do anything else. People get better, are relieved anyway … problems solved ]
[Introduction and discussion of creation by Group of a Vade Mecum.
Document: 127, October 4, 1984
Copyright (c) Jan M. Cox, 1984
I'm going to mention a few things about energy transfer. Let me point out more specifically what I mean by "energy transfer", or "food processing." There is a substance, transferred in the nervous system of man, which can be referred to as "food", "energy", or "light". Or you can see the process of energy transfer as an absolute transfer, within a heated or cooled condition. Of course, relatively speaking, if you operate primarily in a cooled mode and are of the ordinary level of consciousness, anyone who seems to be one degree hotter makes you feel like a better person. At least, "If you calmed down you wouldn't get on my nerves." And of course the reverse also exists. Both are necessary.
You can use this map of heating and cooling as a temporary set of binoculars. For instance, Neuralize what occurs when Life continually heats up in different places. You should know not to take anything literally, if you have the desire to take it literally, flee. But as long as the desire to take things literally doesn't carry you away, go ahead. Life can lead you to a new way of looking at things. Life heats up like an individual running a high fever. The generally accepted medical explanation for the temperature increase (which I won't argue) is that the body is heating up to attack a kind of untoward illness. That is what a high temperature is all about. Now could you conceive of, as strange as it may sound at first blush, wars popping up to ward off Life's own illnesses? It seems that for awhile, in some area in history, parts of Life undergo a continual amount of turmoil. You should know to ignore explanations such as: "Germany's state after World War I along with various unfair economic treaties led to World II." Or how, "The continuing, almost ingrained, religious antagonism going on between the Catholics and the Protestants is responsible for the fighting in Northern Ireland." It isn't that these kinds of descriptions or historical commentaries are without validity. They must have validity in the ordinary world, or university history departments would have to close down. But, be that as it may -- that the descriptions seem to fit the observable circumstance -- you do know that those explanations don't clarify the situation in a Real sense, or you wouldn't have ended pursuing This.
Can you conceive of the possibility of Life having an infection? Historians will refer to an explosive era, "When societies run amok. Surely humanity is sane enough and we're civilized enough that this can't occur again!" And it does occur. It continues to occur in spite of the observations to the contrary. In those "disturbances" a certain kind of heat is used by Life to maintain its health, and to facilitate a kind of healing process. Note that a continual heat transfer occurs upon which everything is based. But, at the ordinary routine level, humanity attempts to define or describe itself through religious, psychological or sociological descriptions. Life produces feelings and explanations through Man, which are manifested through his speech and apparent surface noise (also known in some circles as thinking). The seemingly inexplicable can be thrown into a dumpster called "psychoses", "genetic brain damage", "psychological traumas", or in some areas of the world as "demons". But, all human activity and behavior is actually a transfer of heat.
Can you smell the possibility that this energy or heat transfer can't be in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium? If the tension between people stopped, from relationships between blood kin to strangers on the street, Life would cease to move. Life daydreams through humanity about peace on earth, lambs laying down with lions, and everyone being his fellow man's keepers. If that could be imposed upon humanity right now, you would have instantaneous destruction of everything. Blood would not flow. The particular organs that exist within the body of LIfe would not fulfill their rightful functions. The whole circulatory system of the body of Life would cease.
The energy transfers and interactions between men can be described thermodynamically. A nonlinear heating process is taking place, not in two or even three dimensions, but simultaneously in many directions. To begin to Neuralize this, you have to see how things can apparently heat up in a section: and that a reason for this heating exists, which can't necessarily be immediately verbalized. Then the circumstances change and it cools down. You're surrounded by this kind of thermodynamic exchange. When you begin to Understand this heating and cooling process, you can See the thermodynamics within yourself. "Look at the turmoil to which I'm subjected. I make plans and can't carry them out. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like I have somebody else's brain for a second. I look in the mirror just to be sure that it's still me. I feel like I may be coming apart, my flywheel is about to disintegrate and I don't know who I am. I hope I have enough time to find a good psychiatrist before it all goes too far." Can you see such interchange as a heat exchange within you? It isn't caused by childhood traumas and isn't limited to the surface noise that may accompany these apparent feelings. The feelings may conjure up your mother, your first husband, your third wife, the man who cheated you in the lead deal in '69, the state of the world. But what you're experiencing is a heat exchange: energy in process.
Ordinary consciousness has described its feeling as being either physiological or psychological. But, these two distinctions in the field of psychology and psychiatry have, in a manner similar to particle physics research, begun to blur. For instance, a chemical means is discovered to treat an apparently untreatable psychosis. People who have been in analysis or in mental clinics for thirty years can be cured: given a pill, and thirty minutes later they seem as normal as the pill-dispenser; that is the psychiatrist. But these discoveries heat and cool, like everything else. At first you hear, "Here it is! We've found a pill or medication for... (and they select one thing, whether it be manic depression or multiple personalities.)" They give it to a group of people, and one after another, they all snap out of it. Then papers are written. People are ready to receive awards and lead parades, and the cooling force appears. A group of people say, "Hey, wait a minute. We don't have enough data yet. This is too untried."
Of course that isn't what happens exactly, in the field of psychiatry, but can you see what I'm trying to get you to peer at? It's almost as if the opposition said, "Wait, this can't be true. If it is, I've wasted my whole life. It took me 12 years to get through medical school and postgraduate schools, and now I'm a psychiatrist. I borrowed enough money from my uncle to open an office here in New York, and you're going to tell me that all I have to do is give a pill to people and they get better? Come on, wait a minute." So then it cools.
When something cools, it's as if the idea goes underground. You don't hear about it for several years, and then it pops back up. It pops up somewhere else: a different clinic, doctor or team experiments with another clinically diagnosed emotional illness, and finds another medication. It pops back up, heats up again and then someone notices, "Wait a minute, now these drugs seem to treat two or three illnesses." And you have an even stronger cooling, that is a stronger opposition saying, "No, this can't be. This may be true in one or two cases where a real chemical imbalance exists, but you can't tell us that everybody suffering from some form of depression or multiple personality can be treated thusly. My associates and I have been dealing with these people for twenty years and I assure you they have problems: I'm talking psychological problems. I have detailed notes concerning a variety of childhood traumas and lengthy histories of maltreatment, so don't tell me that they can be cured with a pill." Notwithstanding the fact that somebody gave the person a pill, and twenty minutes later they said, "Hey, for the first time in my life I feel o.k. Can I go?" Beyond examples of psychology, you should note that this same process occurs in you. (As an aside, the binary discussion in my example of physiological versus psychological can be related to the question of heredity versus environment. Is this person ill because of inherited damage, or are they ill because of environmental influences? Given those two choices, there is no such thing as environment: everything is heredity. Everything. The environment is caused by heredity. That's it. That's still not the end of it, of course.
You can look upon the heating process in another way. Ordinary people are driven to believe in a thermodynamic equilibrium. Everything becomes too hot, has to cool off and then gets hot again. But there's a built-in belief that things should reach a thermodynamic equilibrium, and that such equilibrium is what constitutes human happiness. But that is just another expectation inherent in the ordinary nervous system, that things can proceed in a straight line. Using religious terms, it is "the victory of good over evil, when at last goodness will reign". If you did away with what they call "evil", nothing would reign. It would be terminal city for everyone. In the same way, equilibrium can't be attained, or Life would cease to exist.
I'll give a specific (seemingly external) example which exists in everyone, using a particular religious teaching of moderation: it's a way in which a person is not pulled too much by either their passions or their mind. A perfect middle ground was believed to exist somewhere between the two. Can you see that this mid-path idea is, in a sense, a search for what is conceived of as a spiritual equilibrium? "If I could just get to the point where I no longer worried that much about heaven; but in the same sense, I forgot about being a possible victim of hell..."
The monks who retire from the world and shut themselves behind closed doors to cut down on speech and human activity recite this story: "I'll devote myself to a sedentary study of the holy scriptures." But can you see, in a sense, that their behavior is an attempt to block out incoming excitement? Can you see a connection between the monks of all ages and the beatnik generation, being "cool" and reserved, giving the appearance of not caring or being bothered by it all?
I assume you understand what I refer to when I say "cool" people. I'll point towards something which will be obvious, almost as fast as I say it. If you don't understand, you might look upon someone who seems to be cool and say, "Boy, I wish I was that unemotional." You've just made one of the world's great solipsisms: You could not have mis-diagnosed that kind of person more. You can look at those drawn to live the monastic life and think, "If I was only short and a little chunky, and had my head shaved (So much for the humor). If only I had the life of getting up everyday, no radio, no TV, no newspapers, everyone walking around with their hands clasped...everyone smiles or gets their butts kicked...all day you just read and think great thoughts. What a life. If I had only been born that calm, being able to devote my energies in one way." You have mis-diagnosed those people. They're not the people drawn to This. To look upon them as being very calm is a mistake. People with good teeth don't go to the dentist. Of course, you could look at the other end of the spectrum: religious fanatics, from the frantic mystics or whirling dervishes to down-home-hell-fire-and-damnation cries of doom ministers. Can you see that without understanding it, they're seeking to force and hold open the gate which block out incoming excitement?
There is a stickier aspect to the E/C, heating/cooling process. You will have internal voices which equate the heating process with a healing process: that the cooling is attuned to the D force and the heating to the C force. As always, any time you listen to those kinds of decisive voices, they're wrong. Try and Neuralize this: we could divide up the forces and speak of them as existing pristinely. Take D for instance. In some circumstances the general thrust of what's occurring is in line with the D flow: and D can be heated. It is not always heated in this particular manner, but I want to point out one type of heating. You can find a juncture point or link pin between the forces when they're moving and merging in a certain way; when the flows are "passing" each other. If we were talking about a two-partner dance between C and D, D is about to lead with one step, and they're almost about to change positions. At that one point D can be heated in a particular way, and it takes on a very peculiar smell. You can see this heating in petty disputes and ordinary hostility between people as well as periodic outbursts of apparent insanity in large groups of people. Humanity has been aware of the times of this particular heating of D without understanding it. Historians will remark, "There have been religious disputes forever and ever, but this one that I'm describing, investigating and studying is peculiarly perverse. It seems to be insidious to a degree normally unimaginable." D is heated up at particular times and it has a very distinct smell to it.
In another way that is not limited to these words, C absolutely requires heating. You can't arbitrarily, verbally isolate an unheated C in action. Without heat, there is no C. And part of Man's place in the body of Life is as a thermodynamic transfer station of heated energy. Take my good old example of the dead person (since everybody likes that one): regardless of his or her background, you can't expect a dead person to make any future strides in their given field. You can't look to them for any further contribution to the life of Life, right now, other than at the very basic Red Circuit level -- as fertilizer. A dead person can no longer transfer energy. I'm trying to hint at something specific. You can feel it within yourself and See this operating in Life. C has a particular feel to it when heated to the point that I'm talking about. I was trying to indicate that a kind of heating of the D brings on a particular perversity, or a specific aroma, that an alert person can smell quite distinctly; even in a history book which discusses an era 2,000 years old. But on the other hand, when C is heated to a certain point, it has a particular aroma to it: it can be identified in a way, beyond words. (Right now you could almost say of my temporary descriptions: descriptions don't matter).
The particular type of C I mentioned requires a certain kind of extraordinary fuel. The situation required doesn't involve the routine everyday forces, whether in the world of politics, art, music or human relationships. An extraordinary fuel exists from within the confines of what you believe you're observing: it's a fuel not ordinarily available in what you think you've observed or are familiar with.
Out-of-the-ordinary fuel is, in part, an out-of-the-ordinary arrangement of the Flows; and requires extreme, constant maintenance over some period of time. With this effort something extraordinary seems to happen in Life. It will then strike people, "Something here was unusual. We've had this happen before, historically, but this seems unusually forceful. The observable, describable circumstances, and what seems to be the causes and effects involved (as ordinary consciousness would say) seems to have achieved a certain velocity. There seems to be a kind of intensity to it." It is a particular kind of heating where C is.
Try to see this: Humanity is always driven to, and enjoys speaking about, things being controversial; but all heat is controversial to a degree. People will not go to a concert to be entertained; put themselves in a submissive position and pay money unless a kind of heat is exchanged during the performance. In ordinary life, the lack of heat is described in other ways. The critics reviewing a performance the next day may say, "Soprano so-and-so is in town and I have been familiar with her career over the last 20 years. She is without a doubt a peerless performer of 17th century Italian arias and operas. But last night...I don't know whether it was her health, or jet-lag...but last night, the spark, my friends, was missing." (Remember my axiom: "Show biz, show biz, it's all show biz".) When you pay your money to be entertained and it doesn't come to pass, it is a certain level of heat was not attained, and there is a lack of thermodynamic transfer between what apparently was going on between the stage and the audience.
A thermodynamic transfer occurs when you pay someone to entertain you, when you go out on a date, or when you come home to your mate. He or she seems to be delighted to see you. Other times you walk in and it's like the other person is having a bad night. Or, for those of you involved in This who understand: "I am giving a very bad performance: I'm not up to even ordinary par. The other person would be within their rights to ask for their money back."
Whether or not this discussion on thermodynamic exchange seems to have any great impact upon you presently, you should be able to hear what I'm saying: In a sense, when things are heated to a certain point, they're always open to controversy. Now perhaps some of this will strike you as self-evident. But you should know to bypass those types of feeling: they mean nothing.
How about an example of a politician in the halls of Congress. Even if you're fairly well-read, most people can't name a fair percentage of those elected. Their voting record may be split down the line; the right-wing organizations keep track and give them a 50% correct, while the more liberal organizations also give them 50%. They appear on TV and you look and can't even remember them: they have to flash the name, "So-and-so, a Democrat or Republican from Utah." You think, "That must be somebody new"; and they say, "A 20 year veteran in Congress." The person votes, but has never introduced any bills. At an unheated level, he's what I could call in sense, a typical kind of politician: almost nobody there. He had the same kind of making of what could have been an actor. He or she looks all right, smiles, and never says anything controversial. And because he's noncontroversial, he goes unnoticed. I'm telling you it has to do with heat: it has to do with this thermodynamic transfer. Little heat transfer is occurring between this middle-of-the-road politician and the general public.
There is no willful participation in Line level energy transfers; it is Life surging in different directions within its own body. If somebody at the ordinary level begins to show signs of any degree of heat passing through them, they're ripe for controversy. As soon as you say something that could be deciphered as controversial, it will be controversial. To a matter of degree, any time heat's applied, the heating is always controversial. The greater the heat, the greater the controversy.
If you are missing this, imagine who your internal voices tell you was the great, wild-eyed, screaming, would-be mystic of the ages. It could be any of the prophets. Now ask your ordinary voices if they can imagine these people having the appearance or demeanor of say -- Norman Vincent Peale or Albert Einstein. If they had that demeanor, your voices would say, to them, "Look, I've read your material and I believe you have the heart of a good act. But your presentation isn't gonna fly! You are going to be booed off the stage." With that demeanor it would have been more than booed off the stage. They would have been yawned off the stage.
I am, of course, purposely picking out fairly extreme and numerous possibilities in my examples. But that which seems to have an effect in Life, is controversial, and is being heated. And on the contrary, if no heat is being exchanged, you're left with a kind of stagnation and safety.
You can look at controversy and heat exchange in an example which you've all lived through -- your teen years. Consider that for the ordinary person, the most extreme heating occurs during those years, and after the teens everyone begins to cool down. It's pointed out in the world of astrophysical speculations that things become more symmetrical as they cool: they become more stable. And if they're heated up, of course, they become more agitated. The greater the heat, the more possibility that things may take an unexpected turn. Yet humanity, and of course Life, still finds the "generation gap" interesting; Life doesn't understand within its own nervous system, the occurrence of a generation gap. Things go along and one generation seems to do pretty well, and then a break occurs: a kind of antagonism between the generations that has no logic to it. It seems to be an antagonism without cause. It seems baseless, and yet it continues to occur between each generation when one generation hits its teens.
To close this discussion of heating and cooling let me leave you with a little story I made up, which you can Neuralize. It's about a man: The Problem Man. People come to him and sign an agreement to pay him a certain amount a month, and he bills them. They tell him their problems and he takes over from there: they have just one session where he asks a few questions, and asks for some elaboration of their stated problems. He seems to take notes and gets to the point: "I've got it, I am satisfied. You don't have to worry, I have all the details." He then takes their file and says, "It is now in my hands. Here is the first month's bill." Then (though the people don't know it), once he has the problem on file, the only thing the Problem Man does is send them a monthly bill. Yet many people seem to benefit and get better.