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Document: 66, April 14, 1983
Copyright (c) Jan M. Cox, 1983
Tonight I am going to describe something that affects everyone. I will talk on two levels: of what appears to be the form, and then of the energy behind it.
Keep in mind that up until now all religions have been studying Man as a mass. This has been the only thing that the nervous system could comprehend. One of the first answers to the question, "What makes me do these things?" was "The devil made me do it." The study of Man the mass has ranged all the way from belief in demon possession to the tenets of modern psychology.
But we have now reached the point -- which I am running toward here on this planet -- where it is no longer a matter of having to talk about the mass. To take an example from sub-atomic physics; the further they explore molecular structure, the less they find "mass" as it has always been defined. The ideas that most of you studied in high school -- that atoms are a substance, a solid something -- have given way to the contemporary conclusion that what is needed is a comprehension of energy as opposed to mass.
Up until the present time, all people engaged in religious, psychological and other forms of introspective study of themselves have approached it on the basis that they were examining a mass. They have believed they could comprehend themselves by a continual process of examination: "I notice I don't like it when my mother to calls me. I notice that my temper is bad with women." But, as I have pointed out to you, none of this is significant. It would be significant if Man were a mass -- if the nervous system had the ability to study itself as a thing -- which he is not.
It is not simply a matter of people being wrong in the past. As you begin to understand this new description of Man, you will see that during the time of Buddha, the time of Freud, or at any time before the present moment, it would have been impossible for Man to see himself in the way in which I now describe him. It was not possible because this nervous system, at the level of ordinary consciousness, cannot in some way turn and look at itself.
The idea of a man attempting to observe himself goes as far back as the ancient Greeks. This idea -- that the secret to everything is for a man to know himself -- is fine if you're dealing with ordinary consciousness, that is, if you're operating on the basis that you can study Man as a thing that is present and solid. Contemporary people don't believe in demons, but they do believe in an "I" -- a "something" in there: a psyche, a psychology; a traumatized, modified little person who lives between your ears and is overtly reflected in your behavior.
But in case some of you don't realize what I'm up to, it will be describing -- for the first time -- the energy behind this "something" that seems to be a mass. Up until now the level of consciousness has been such that no one could hear such a description. Even at the present level, the vast majority of you have trouble hearing this. The initial reaction ranges all the way from feeling as though your faculties have shut down to picking the description apart and thinking, "It just can't be true." Your nervous system takes this brand new information, runs it through every circuit you've got, and still you could honestly say, "This does not compute." That is exactly true and there is nothing amiss. Your system, just like any other system, cannot comprehend itself on its own level. You might put consciousness into a typewriter, but as long as it was a typewriter it would simply become involved in dissecting what it sees as itself: "I seem to have these fits and starts; things in me go sideways and I have certain letters that stick. This is obviously caused by some trauma from my past."
I am going to describe to you what appear to be two general classifications of people. Notice that if you begin any discussion by saying, "First, let me point out that there are two types of people," everyone will think, "Good." Now notice why. You will not get that kind of internal response from the nervous system if you say, "Tonight I'm going to show how all of humanity is divided into six types." It is not just that the number is larger; you're seeing the binary nature of the nervous system and its automatic reaction in action. To hear anything divided in two just sounds proper. Something in the nervous system responds on the basis that such a description must be correct: "I'm not sure how you're going to describe it, but there's no doubt the whole world's divided into two camps." We all know that, do we not?
There are two apparent types, which I am going to call an "open" and a "distant" personality. I could draw a two dimensional picturization of this as a line with a midpoint and say that there are people all along the spectrum, some close to the middle, some as far toward the distant or open end as you can go in personality.
Diagram # 008 illustration
Let's stop here and go back over one of the maps. Picture the nervous system of Man as it is drawn here with three joining circuits. Initially, you may want to think of these three circuits as being the physical, the emotional and the intellectual, but you should immediately abandon that and instead consider them, from the bottom up, as the Red, the Blue and Yellow Circuits. There is a sub-circuitry within this system which I have labeled the "E-C" -- the exciting and calming. This "E-C" portion of Man's circuitry is tied to the speed parameters within which each nervous system operates. One definition of personality is the speed at which a person moves. Part of the way you recognize Fred, even though you don't analyze it, is the speed at which Fred functions. If you have any doubt about that, you can try speeding up or slowing down some aspect of your life. Simply walk into your office at a different speed. You must first be aware that every morning you come in at a certain speed, and it's not just physical walking. This magnetic field -- this energy transformer station you apparently are -- operates at a particular oscillation speed. Your speed is apparent in everything from the way you walk and talk to who you look at when you enter the room and how soon you go to get coffee. All you have to do is change that speed slightly and every person in the room will be aware of it.
One question which often arises with regard to attempting to alter your own speed parameters is whether speeding up or slowing down is more advisable. You can attempt to do either for the sake of learning something, but, as I said before, you must first observe the particular speed at which you do certain things. You don't walk into your office, for example, at the same speed you go into a grocery store. Remember I don't mean just physical walking. There is not one steady speed at which Fred operates, but he could be defined by outlining his maximum and minimum levels. There is an unknown speedometer within you. There is a governor within this system -- not a psychological governor, but a physical one -- and you can speed it up or slow it down.
I am going to give a more detailed description of the "E-C" part of the circuitry, though I remind you again that none of these maps is complete or perfect. The energy that is flowing through the nervous system passes through a kind of gate (the "E-C" gate). This gate must be open, feeding energy into the Yellow Circuit, for a person to be what is ordinarily referred to as conscious. In a sense, the gate closes down during what is called sleep. For a person to physically wake up, the gate has to open and start allowing energy to filter through all three circuits. This process happens over a period which could be measured in seconds if not milliseconds, but the bottom two circuits receive the energy a split second before it finally reaches the Yellow Circuit. This is why when you first wake up in the morning your eyelids can be open and you know you're no longer asleep, but it takes a second more before you feel, "Uh oh, I'm awake. I have to get up."
The E-C gate exists. The gate is not a little square like on the diagram, but it exists in the nervous system and operates in a very specific way in what appear to be the two classes of people into which all of humanity can be divided.
The two types of apparent personalities fall within what people refer to as "introverted" and "extroverted". I mean more than that, which is why I did not use those words. But this observation that ordinary people make -- that so and so seems to be introverted or extroverted -- would be a fair observation if we were actually talking about mass; if people were solid things that could act purposefully.
Literally -- physically -- the way in which the nervous system operates is that electrical energy flows through the E-C gate and is fed into a point within each circuit that is made to distribute into the system either an exciting or a calming influence. There is a continual oscillation that varies from person to person. This oscillation could be described as types of personality, or as how much emphasis seems to be on the exciting side and how much on the calming side in a particular individual.
The kinds of apparent people I am going to describe appear to be open or distant. Open people are those who appear loud and gregarious; people who seem to have no qualms about walking into a party and dropping their pants. Of course, when I give an example like this, I am describing the far end of the spectrum. But open people are the kind who seem to never meet a stranger. As soon as you're introduced, they'll grab your hand and show you pictures of their kids. Distant people would appear to be almost the opposite of that. They seem reflective, quiet, perhaps shy or even intimidated.
If I were to ask all of humanity what kind of energy is feeding each of these types of people, everyone would fail to give the answer. It is just a two-choice question: Does the personality receive energy primarily from the exciting mode, or is input being filtered through the calming mode? All of humanity would immediately guess the wrong mode, because the apparently open, gregarious person is receiving his primary information and stimuli through the calming side. But it appears just the opposite. This is a prime example of how things appear one way, if you look at Man as being a mass, and just the opposite when you comprehend energy.
The information, sensations, and impressions coming through the E side of the gate get amplified, boosted. Those coming through the C side get muted. In people who are apparently more open in personality, the impressions of the external world -- the information coming in -- is muted and diminished. At the extreme end of the spectrum, open people end up in this condition: they are starved for stimuli and impressions because their system is muting all incoming stimuli.
If you are a more distant type, your conception of open people might be that they have life by the tail: "Boy, how I envy those people who can just walk in the door and say, 'Here I am!'" Or you might see one of these people come into a room wearing a bright lime green polyester leisure suit and think, "Doesn't he know how he looks?" But that kind of information is muted to the point that he's not aware of it.
At the other end of the spectrum are those who would apparently be of a more distant personality mass, who are shy, thoughtful and reflective. They are the ones who would look at the man in the out-of-date leisure suit and think, "How mortifying that must be for him." Because they are attuned to such things: "What are people thinking of me? How will this look?" They can be soft-spoken and hardly able to get up the apparent nerve to look you in the eye. Distant people are receiving amplified information. Those who would apparently be the calmest are actually receiving a heightened level of stimuli. The impressions coming in are more acute, so these people become more involved with the internal processing of impressions. Whereas for the loudmouth -- the guy in the polyester suit -- the input is greatly diminished.
Picture a party scene. There is a more distant person sitting in the far corner of the room. An open person rushes in. He's running around to everybody, slapping them on the back. He is the one who is being most affected by the calming mode, but he doesn't appear to be calm. He appears quite active. But the intensity of the information actually getting through to him is muted. That's why a person on the extreme open end of the spectrum finds it almost impossible to "concentrate." The more they tend toward that end of the spectrum, the less time they can stand to do any one thing. They're seeking more intensity of impressions, but the circuitry within them is made to filter energy in such a way as to diminish it. Those who are apparently the most serene and shy are not the calmest, in the ordinary sense, because for them information coming in from the external world is more intense. They are more attuned to it and thus more involved in internal processing of information. An open person is taking in less, therefore they do less processing.
The operation of the E-C gate can be manipulated in a certain sense. This is tied to trying to get the non-activated, reflective side of the brain itself in operation. One can attempt to turn the E-C gate into an impartial, continually open, threshold and keep the energy that's flowing through the nervous system from falling absolutely into either the exciting or the calming mode.
The E-C gate acts as a filter -- and it should. This description of the operation of the gate could be called an outline of what appears to be one's personality. This invisible outline could be called the minimum/maximum speed at which the system operates. But it can also be seen to encompass the degree of oscillation between the exciting and calming modes in you. There is only so far, apparently in personality, that you can go toward being excited. Whether you say it out loud or not, you will always reach your maximum level and think, "That's all the excitement I can stand. I've danced too much, I've laughed too much, I've talked too much." This is not a conscious decision. What has happened is that all the energy normally allowed to filter into the exciting side has gone through for that period of time. Even if you're still at the party or everyone else is still involved in a heated discussion, you find -- and you can observe this -- that you simply withdraw. If you attempted to analyze it at the ordinary level of consciousness, you might say, "I got tired," or "I got bored." But once you begin to see within yourself the physical movement of this energy flow, you'll see that the energy which seemed to have you involved in that particular activity was just gone. In a certain situation, you might simply get quiet for a few minutes, or go outside and smoke a cigarette, then jump back in. But there is an observable limit -- an outline -- to this kind of oscillation. And that limit can be seen as "Fred" or "Mary." It outlines how much energy comes out on the E side, how much on the C side, and all possible combinations of which circuits the flow hits and how long it lasts.
Everyone could learn something from noticing the tempo of the kind of interest you seem to have in things; how sometimes you will function at a certain speed and then stop. You bounce back and forth from what seems to be the maximum tempo at which you can operate to the minimum tempo. There are limits to how Fred can oscillate and still be Fred. This is the attraction of certain drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Although drugs will not normally push Fred past the limit, they will make slight inroads. They will act as a chemical carrier to run electrical energy over into the negative, reflective side of the brain itself. That is why when Fred drinks people around him will say, "Fred has had a few too many; he's not himself." And it's true. Which is exactly why Fred drinks. An ordinary person can have several drinks and it is almost as if he has expanded his limitations. He may even have a vague awareness that, "I couldn't do this if I hadn't been drinking." But it don't keep. It would be a fine thing if you could have five martinis and expand what seems to be you and stay there, but one of the more serious drawbacks to artificial stimulation of the nervous system is that it's not permanent.
Drugs provide another example of something which appears to be its opposite: caffeine and other stimulants act to bring about a more calming input into an open type. So what would alcohol do to a more distant type? The effects are the opposite of what you'd expect. You might think that if you give a loudmouth some coffee he'll get worse. But he won't. The more open he is, the more a stimulant will drive him into being what appears to be introspective. He'll get calmer.
The E-C gate exists and can be physically closed. Physiologists know about this -- or the manifestation of it -- that certain injuries can occur at a point close to the brain stem and people will lapse into coma, forever. The heart may still beat, but they will not become conscious again.
A part of what you are attempting to do is to physically open this E-C gate up completely. You are now in a situation wherein you are as conscious as you were intended to be. Only certain kinds and amounts of energy can get through the gate into the Red, the Blue and the Yellow Circuits. Different qualities and quantities are filtered through the gate and fed into the circuits at particular points. After that, since the circuits interlock, there is a continual cross-feeding of energy. But what you are attempting to do is to physically affect this process. I'm not talking about some psychological game. I am not talking about someone who grew up hating short people trying to convince himself to love everybody. That is child's play; that's talking about mass. It is a physical reality that certain qualities and quantities of energy are necessary. People apparently behave differently and have differing opinions because different kinds of energy are going to different places in the circuitry. And you can affect the process within yourself, physically.
You have to attempt to keep the gate wide open. It has what amounts to holes in it; access points that let through energy. If you could take the gate out and examine it you would see a pattern, a gate-print similar to a fingerprint. This would be a unique gate-print of a Fred or a Mary. What you are attempting to do is bypass that -- to have no fingerprint, no pattern. What you are attempting is to not let the E-C gate filter information the way it always has. In a sense you're trying not to diminish any of what apparently is externally derived stimuli. You are trying to let all possible information come through and not allow energy to be routed where it normally would be; not allow it to go either into the E or the C mode.
Notice that there are always more than one or two impressions coming into the nervous system. Your system is being continually fed; something in you is continually processing information. Right now at some level you are aware of how your body feels, of the light level and temperature in the room. You can process all that and apparently the processing does not interfere greatly with the amount of Yellow Circuit attention you're giving to what I'm saying. Let me point out that these lower circuit systems operate by themselves. There is a certain minimum -- which is also the maximum -- level of operation in the lower circuitry, and once you can allow these systems to function by leaving them completely alone, the information and sensation reaching the circuitry will be cleaner. You've got to get off the system's back. You have to, for example, see and feel that any time you're worried about health, you are ordinary. You cannot be overly concerned with that and struggle to ignite the higher areas of the nervous system.
Other than that a kind of minimal/maximum information needs to be fed into the lower circuitry, you should be striving to keep the E-C gate completely open. Maintain a threshold of impartiality. You cannot go back and argue with the information coming in. Thinking, "I've always had something against short people and I've got to stop it," is being back in your ordinary position. What you must do instead is allow all information to come through. Let in information that usually apparently does not exist. Under ordinary conditions, the only reason you know that some information coming in is "correct" is that there exists other "incorrect" information as part of the negative reflection of everything usually available to the brain.
I'm going to digress here because I can't resist pointing out something. Do you realize how easy it is for you -- even as you consider these descriptions -- to fall back into thinking about apparent mass? For example, you'll start thinking about introverted or extroverted personalities. But that is not the purpose of these descriptions. Try to Consider instead that there are various kinds and amounts of energy which must flow through each particular organism to keep it stable, so that it can do its job. There are certain types of information -- apparently externally based stimuli -- that flow in through your own filter and are either diminished or amplified. The process of amplifying incoming stimuli is part of the outline of what I described as a more "distant" personality. In that type of system, the information must be amplified in intensity for the person to remain stable and continue to be themselves. And in "open" systems, the information must be diminished in order for the person to function.
Ultimately, you have to be able to transcend and consume the apparent opposites. The E-C gate can be forced open in such a way that the information and stimuli coming in are not diminished or amplified. Suppose you go into a restaurant and see a man in an expensive suit and that seems to affect you: "I get the impression he's much more successful than I am, and that reminds me of how disappointed my father is in me." The dangerous secret is that there is a physical reality to how you are affected. You're not dealing with some shadow in the past of your father. All of humanity believes, "There is a psychological reality to envy." That sounds right, but such an explanation goes nowhere -- it's just demons reincarnated under another name, just a description of the mass appearance, whereas the physical reality behind this is energy doing a certain thing to a certain organism for a particular reason.
Thinking about mass is attempting to put a suit on a shadow. You might think, "But I do feel envy and hostility toward people who are more successful than me because I haven't been as successful as I should be in life." That's not untrue, on the ordinary level, but it is irrelevant. "I know I feel this way because my father always told me I'd never amount to much." That's one way to put it. But a certain kind of energy has been allowed to flow through that gate. And it did not come from your father; he was not the initiator of it. Energy was flowing through him. You can observe this process, within you, and bypass all the attempted internal explanations ordinary consciousness has to offer. Your ordinary consciousness will always be there and will always have an answer. But for those attempting to ignite the higher circuitry, ordinary answers are irrelevant. You can no longer listen to them.
Due to the way this gate is constructed in you, for a particular purpose, you intake only certain kinds of energy in certain amounts, transform them, and then pass them on. You can begin to feel that there are some impressions that you simply mute -- they come in and it almost seems as if you don't want to hear what that person said or to look at that guy dressed that way. The reality behind this is that energy must be refined in a particular manner and in your system those particular impressions need to be muted. But you have to take the mute off.
The way this gate functions, at least on the Red Circuit level, is in part necessary. For example, a mother can be in a room with all kinds of sounds and still hear her baby cry in the next room. Or you can be standing in a crowd when suddenly someone says your name and even though the volume is no greater than all the other voices, you hear it. The gate operates partially on that level, with that kind of necessary selectivity.
But Yellow Circuit selectivity -- which is a nice word for prejudice, dumbness, ordinary consciousness -- serves no useful purpose for a person attempting to do This Thing. This gate must be opened. You must not only let all the information flow in; you must also begin to notice the kinds of things that go on which you diminish. It is easy to discount them as "psychological," but something physical is going on and you must become aware of it. Because this oscillation -- the gate letting in energy and making you excited, then calmed, then excited -- defines you, in apparent personality.
I have pointed out that people cannot change their opinions. It is impossible because there is no opinion there. There is no piece of information filed away somewhere. It does no good for a man to say, "I'm going to change my opinion of short people," because there is no section of his brain that's labeled "Short People." There is the E-C gate, controlling the flow of energy just as the blood flow to your brain must be controlled to keep you ordinarily conscious. But you cannot let this mechanical discrimination of energy continue. You have to be capable of opening this gate so that when you wake up in the morning you are conscious, and you attempt to remain absolutely conscious, without any of the impressions becoming either diminished or amplified.
Many people believe that the end result of religious conversion or the efforts of all right-thinking people in the world will be that everyone on earth will become unprejudiced. Do you begin to get a glimpse of why that will never happen? There is a physical barrier to that. It's not just that the English were brought up to hate the Irish. That is not untrue, but that is studying the apparent mass. Someone involved in This Thing cannot continue to do that -- not because it's wrong, but because it is limiting and supports the status quo. As long as .payou view the world that way, you will remain conscious at the ordinary level; you will be Fred or Mary and proud of it.
I'm going to tell you one more thing. I saw a quote the other day from someone in the artistic community to the effect that if a person misuses their talent, it will leave them. There have been many variations of this. Often painters who go to work for an advertising agency or jazz musicians who start playing popular music feel they are prostituting their talent. The belief is that you can't go back, once you have done that. And this is true, though the artists who feel this way don't know what they're actually talking about. There are certain connections within your system that are, generally speaking, unique to you; certain kinds of connections that cannot be reconnected once they've been disconnected or abused. I do not say this in order to scare you, but it's something you should Consider in regard to your involvement with This Thing and everything. There are deeds that once done cannot be undone. For example, you can weaken particular connections through the automatic flow of hostility. You can do it through neglect, cynicism, self-condemnation. There exist tenuous connections, some of which can never be reconnected if they are abused or neglected.