Diagram 159
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Diagram # 159 video grab
I'm not changing the subject. I want to pull you a bit higher into the area of triads. The only way that you can make any change in a situation is to find the third leg or go into the E pool the way that Life itself does. There are three possibilities to a triad that have been called the C, D and E inclinations, forces, whims, possibilities -- the three legs. E is that which is perceived to be irrelevant to a particular situation at Line-level consciousness, and for any change to occur someone has got to go into the E pool. Life itself must draw from the E pool to make any change. With any two observable combatants, C and D, the energies that are possible are already being played out; nothing more can happen.
In a situation where a husband and wife have been arguing over a period of years nothing is going to miraculously change the energies that have been passing between them. If one of the parties picks up and leaves, people are surprised. For that change to take place Life itself had to draw from the E pool, because, in the energies flowing between the parties, no change was possible.
At the most routine level, Life is continually having to draw from the E pool, from that which apparently is presently irrelevant to the situation between C and D. Whether it's two individuals, two countries, or two theories, Life has got to draw energy from something that is apparently presently irrelevant to the two combatants or no change is possible. If Life itself has to do it, how can you be exempt? You have to look at Life, see how it operates, and take your lessons from Life. JC talk 329