Diagram 154

Re Talk: 327

Diagram # 154 video grab

Diagram # 154 video grab


All info is energy --but the quality of info/energy ingested is of importance to the Real Revolutionist. Compare with: you are what you eat --scientifically untrue vs. true for the Real Revolutionist. The info-food furnished by Life for the Yellow Circuit (YC) is never truly disruptive to the status quo of consciousness. YC food is uniquely determined by/for man vs. Red Circuit (RC) food furnished for all creatures by nature. Man creates YC info. Whereas there is no 'ambrosia' (RC food) for evolution, there is an approach to this for the YC of the Real Revolutionist: never handle or eat what has been previously digested; never think the same thing twice. At least, consider anything said by another as ridiculous at best. ]
  [A Real Revolutionist would be 'thoroughly sick of the past' (as well as everybody's future). Sick of memories: used info. There are no exceptions --it is poisonous, a chemical addiction. ]
  [People just love and dream of things afar. The Real Revolutionist loves things immediate; draws upper and lower circuits together thru info/energy. For the City, dreams, hopes, rewards must be of exotic nature, distant in time as well as space --but such is always old/used, i.e., what everybody else dreams of too.  Dreams afar are based on Life energy in the genes of man knowing they won‘t die with the individual‘s death—that they are growing in spite of upper circuit reports to the contrary. tk notes 327