Diagram 151
Re Talk: 324
Diagram #151 video grab
The big partnership is between 'you' and Life (also, between Life and death). Plain Life Dominance is a partnership of dominant/submissive dance. Example of the apparently self-defeating nature of Ireland‘s and Lebanon's internal warfare seen from the Real Revolutionist’s view as the inherent distaste and resistance for any change at all; it is merely the habit of homeostasis, for things to remain as they are. This is the norm in the Blue Line Sphere of Influence(BLSI)/Forum: habit, inertia. This is the reality behind the internal feeling of being a battlefield; of being Belfast and Beirut. It is the submission to the dominance of habit. A very explanatory/revealing partnership is the Upper circuits' verbal handling of the Lower circuits' memories and non-verbal messages of prehistory. This is the absolute nature of the BLSI. E.g., Red Circuit has cellular knowledge (retro-memory) that death is not final --that the genetic survives. The proof for them lies in their direct non-verbal memory of presence/survival from ancient times. The Yellow Circuit is driven frantic to somehow make use, make verbal, such knowledge. Thus, theories of reincarnation, life after death etc. When AMV12 accidentally enters above the line-level consciousness it produces actual sensual visions and auditions of supernatural character--i.e., ―God's voice‖, past lives, UFO's etc. ] tk notes 324