Diagram 114
Re Talk: 258
Diagram # 114A illustration
Diagram # 114B illustration
Diagram # 114C illustration
Well, you should know by now that nothing humanity can come up with is original. Everything is a reflection of something real, something that actually does exist. So what can we see in this particular, deep-rooted human phobia. I've pointed out that people can be divided into two groups quite easily; the apparently dominant and the apparently submissive. I've also referred to another similar division between the "powerful" and the "powerless." So let's take these binary divisions and I'll expand on them from the viewpoint of my imaginary Conspiracy Handbook.
If we were dealing only with "real life out there," we could say that 96 percent of the population is powerless, and 4 percent has the appearance of power. Those who appear powerful would be those in control of money, position, and authority.
Now, let's complicate things. In actuality -- as you probably already suspect -- there have to be at least three groups, not just two. Here comes our "hidden, secret ruling society." So what is the third group? The third group consists of those with Real Power, with a capital "R" and a capital "P." The first group consists of those with "apparent power" (no capitals) and the second group consists of the truly (and apparently) powerless.
The first two groups can be lumped into one, if you want to take the binary division one step higher. The ones that seem to have power -- the Popes, the Presidents, the "rich and famous," and those of us who know we have no power. You don't think so? Look a little harder. Look at the Presidents and Premiers and Popes who have been impeached, shot, or just simply forced to resign. Look at the "rich and powerful" who have lost it all in a crap shoot of some sort. Those who appear visibly powerful in life are only figureheads. In reality, although their position is important, their individuality is not. It's necessary to have a President or a Pope -- but it doesn't much matter who fills those shoes, and even the ones apparently in power at any given moment have a sneaking suspicion, kept deep in the darkest corner of their closets, that they can be replaced at any time.
The truly "powerless," the second group, consists of: those who are just barely functioning in their job of living; those important complainers who feel put upon but would laugh at the idea of a union anyway; those who are thoughtfully going about the business of living as best they can; and also all would-be rebels, including those interested in This Activity.
Now, what about that third group, those with Real Power? The first thing you'd have to know is that these people are invisible to all the rest of us. (See how conspiracy theories get started?) In this scheme of three groups rather than two, those with Real Power occupy only about 0.04 percent of the population, with the other 99.96 percent being the other two groups. And that 0.04 percent is not only tiny, it's truly invisible. Even if some group from the 0.04 percent were photographed with other people, they would never be recognized as having Real Power. If they were so identified, the identifier would be mistaken, or the person so identified would only be another of the "apparently powerful." Real Power is invisible -- and the closer you get to it, the less visible it is. If you can see power, it's not real, it's only apparent.
This is why the powerless (which, remember, includes both the first and second groups) think there are only two groups: "There's us and them." For simplicity, I'll call those with apparent power the "controllers," because they seem to be in control of everything from money to politics to religion. Both the controllers and the truly powerless are kept in their respective positions of powerlessness by the fact that there seems to be "no way out." There's no back door. There's "us" and "them" and never the twain shall meet. What's the use? It keeps everything just fine, because as long as the people think there are only two choices, they will accept defeat and discouragement.
Let me close with a few quick aspects of the apparent active effects of this minority group -- the restless and the rebellious. First problem: there can be no continuing substantial, consequential, external rebellion unless there is first an inner one. Now in the external world, that does not appear to be the case. In the external world you can do and say whatever you want. But the only thing that overthrows and produces power is an active, "doing" revolution. If the group attempting the coup just promises a new distribution of power and wealth, it doesn't get anybody anywhere. But, I'm telling you, if there were a true revolution in which part of Life's body were about to undergo real change, that change would have to be preceded by an inner revolution or change -- a revolution on the molecular level. Only then could there be an external, continuing, profitable, physical revolution. When has that ever happened? Well, somewhere in the "book" I think it mentioned that it happened once, but I'm not going to try to remember or even guess what the example of it was.
Here's another thing: the struggle apparently going on between the apparent powers and the powerless (including the rebellious) will never truly be over as long as the opponent can still negotiate for peace. I'm not only talking about the external world here, you can learn something for you. A war is never over so long as the opponent can still negotiate for peace. No habit is truly over as long as you can still contemplate its return.
JC talk 258