Diagram 092

Re Talk: 219

Diagram # 092 illustration

Diagram # 092 illustration


      Life has found its voice thru man. Man's genetic code has found its voice thru The Partnership. Man has no voice without the partnership. Relation to "god talked to me": The Partnership talks to everyone. Time zones --the further west,the more based on pure action and less on Thinking Of Action.
        The Partnership as radio station WDNA (KDNA on west coast). Constantly broadcasting from time of your earliest consciousness. One part of broadcast is station programming, other part is equivalent of FCC agency controlling the parameters of broadcast, e.g., frequency, range etc. Ways to attempt to control/dampen/censor the station broadcast: physically redirecting/reflecting the broadcast, i.e., turning on it, facing it head on (canceling it out). 2nd way, try to affect by external change ("I'll buy a car") which has temporary palliative action. 3rd way, hold up station in comparison to an external standard--in judgment. Prime example of this activity: Life's use of religion. Without external standard The Partnership would accelerate into a self consuming maelstrom. JC talk 219]