Diagram 072
Re Talk:197
Diagram # 072 video grab
A variation of my old equation I+Not I=Everything is: EYD v YD = All Possible Humans And Their Behaviors
Either you do or you don't equals all possible humans and their behaviors. (Which, after all, is the same thing.) I am pushing the edge of my original map, I+Not I = Everything and telling you either you do or you don't. It's one or the other. And these two possibilities encompass all possible human wiring systems and their appropriate behaviors. To be able to understand that this is true, not the words, although this is the best verbal description I have given you, is ultimately liberating. You understand the words are never the true reality just as This has no real name. But, if I were to give This a real name it would be Swallow Your Own Head.
To understand the reality of either you do or you don't equals all possible humans and their behaviors, you must be able to perceive of the fact, we are all living in a universal room and you must perceive everything in this room. Assuming this universe is a closed system, what I'm trying to get you to see is that, even if there are any walls, you can't see them.
All stable equations, all explanations of Life, all attempted forms of religions, everything outside of This always attempts to show you the far wall of the room. The far wall is what always follows "but". Humanity finds far wall explanations tolerable and Life finds them useful on a large scale. It doesn't matter that humanity grumbles about how, "I don't particularly believe everything my religious leader says." In the end people go, "Well, this is the only system I've got," or, "By and large this book has changed my life." What the book or the religion has apparently done for the people involved (and apparently is all that matters because apparently is reality to them) is identify a far wall. And, to all individuals at Line level, the identified far wall is THE far wall. "Life is in terrible shape, but if I follow the religion or this system somehow I'll survive and the gods will come down and take me from my misery." Or, "Everything seems so insane, so non-understandable, but if I'm good, when I die all of this insanity will be explained." The proponent's, the leader's of whatever system, job is to detail man's problems, then tack on the obligatory "but" and proceed to tell you if you endeavor to follow his system you will have a nice stable equation. His job is to identify a far wall.
In your lifetime you will never encounter anything as evasive, as irrational, as insane as This Thing, and yet, it strikes the few of you involved with This as undeniably true. To do This, you must deal with unstable equations. Of course, once you See what the equations point toward, you See they are, in truth, the ultimate stability. But to get to that point, you must first confront the difficulty of literally trying to Swallow Your Own Head. JC talk 197