Diagram 055
Re Talk: 171
Diagram # 055 illustration
This diagram depicts another aspect of man and humanity's growth. This hierarchy could be called a Pyramid of Pity. The largest number of people on this planet are transformers for predominately Red level energies, less are Blue Circuited and still less, Yellow. It does not mean that those Red Circuited types have no Blue or Yellow Circuitry but that their primary function is to transform energies through the Red Circuit. Everyone, whether they mention it or not, has been curious about certain groups of people on the planet who seem to have no feeling for their fellow man.
This Pyramid of Pity will shed some light on your previously untended curiosities. It is impossible to care for someone at your own level, with the exception (for humanity's continued existence) of blood kin. The mechanical caring of one person for another can only be done with people at a lower level than yours. This is why those wired up to transform and transmit primarily in the Red Circuit are essentially incapable of sympathy, except for their blood kin. Need I remind you that this is not an attack on anyone?
People who seem to you to have no charitable instincts, tribes you read about who allow children to starve while the adults feast, are operating at the lowest level of development. It's impossible to care for people at your own level, and when there's no one lower than you then there is virtually no one to care for except your blood relatives. Red Circuit people are virtually incapable of sympathy.
Now substitute the word "understand" for "care for" and you'll realize that people can not understand others at or higher than their own level. Take the extreme archetype of a Red Circuited transformer, and do you see that it's incomprehensible to him that someone will cry over a poem, or that a widow will lose the will to live after her husband's death. It's as incomprehensible to him as communicating in a foreign tongue.
The tension necessary for Life's growth has Blue Circuited people fund-raising to build arts centers to expose their Red Circuited brethren to finer elements in Life. They feel it's their duty to cultivate finer feelings in these "poor souls". In a sense, it works, but not in the way people believe. We're back to the free will idea. Everybody's wired up to believe these things will work -- that free symphonies will help develop the uneducated, unrefined -- and they almost make it work. It won't work, but it certainly keeps things moving and assists growth on the greater scale. Another example: Intellectuals have done studies and claim that virtually no one with a doctorate is in prison. They conclude that those inclined to criminal behavior need education, and if we educate everyone, we'd have no crime. It sounds so right, so close to being true. It's not true, but it keeps things moving.
Traveling up the hierarchy, I'll illustrate another example of the inability of one circuit to sympathize with anyone but those on a lower level. A Blue Circuited person hears about a professor who presented a new theory to his colleagues. The theory was soundly rejected, he became the laughingstock of his profession. The last heard about him was that he left his post, began drinking and was seen in a Union Mission, a desperate fallen man. This is unfathomable to your basic Blue Circuited man or woman. They can certainly understand taking to drink after a love affair ends, but over a THEORY being rejected. It seems ridiculous. They are not wired up to be capable of sympathizing with the professor's plight. It's not wrong. It's not a flaw, for example, that certain people have no concern for animals; after all, they're wired up to be hunters. There's nothing wrong with them, they are operating at a very basic level. What is lacking, from a certain viewpoint, is that these people are not part of Life's extended development through man. Certainly they are necessary, just as it's necessary for you to eat and move.
It's wired into the developmental scheme that you can't care for or understand anyone at your own level, the exception being blood kin. Much of what has seemed inexplicable to you will become clearer once you See this. All of your ordinary voices of outrage over the way people treat each other, your criticisms over people's callousness, your immediate desire to strangle those seemingly selfish people will lessen the more you Understand this hard-wired hierarchy.
Let me add, none of this is a matter of becoming heartless. You see a picture of a child begging for crumbs while the army officers are sitting on barrels of food, and you might feel like crying. (I'm not saying you should or should not feel that.) I'm trying to hint to you that there is the potential for you to understand their apparently unsympathetic behavior, and no longer be mechanically incensed and automatically indignant.