Diagram 042
Re Talk: 113, 211
Diagram # 042 photo
I have a most potent map to introduce. As always, it is an extension of everything I have pointed to thus far. This map is contained within the initials: T.I.N.O.T. which stands for "there is no out there." Neuralize this map, because it has great potential value. I warn you that T.I.N.O.T. is not as obvious as it may appear at first glance, except that when you See it, it IS as simple as it sounds ... just as the equation "I + Not-I = Everything" can appear to be true and self-evident at first, and then from an added dimension you See that your first impression could not have been more incorrect, other than the fact that at Line level, it is absolutely correct.
Ordinary consciousness operates on the basis that there is always an "out there." There exists a quite real but subtle connection between this and my asking how people squeeze facts out of nothing; how people derive new information from that which is apparently not new. Humans think about and discuss things that are "out there." "Out there" is the only approach to science, psychology, religion, you name it, that humanity uses. If you are going to study the physical sciences, of course they are "out there." If you are going to contemplate the nature of the gods, of course they are "out there." To study the dynamic interplay between peoples, the study of psychology, where are you going to look? Where are people? Certainly not hiding in my shirt pocket. They are ... OUT THERE. Ordinary consciousness operates as though things that are "out there" are separate from the "I" that is speaking. But there is no "out there."
Now for a trickier part. Remembering that there is no "out there," I will now slip off at an angle and tell you that there can be the ILLUSION of things being out there, but only if you have never thought of them. Once you speak of anything, once you let the pictures get burned into the screen of consciousness, once you have conceived and thought something, once you take the voices as being you, if there WERE an "out there," whatever it was that you thought of can no longer be "out there." I repeat, in reality it was never "out there" because there IS no "out there." There can only be the illusion of things being out there as long as you have no awareness of them.
The reason I went down this alley was not to get even more complex. Rather I want to point out some very pragmatic things. Take the situation of excess mechanical talking: once you speak, you and that of which you speak are now one, simply because you talked about it. It is lost in that it can never again be in the illusionary "out there" insofar as it may have ever been possible for it to have been out there. As sticky as this is, I will press on. How about my pointing out that you should attempt to do things without telling yourself that you are doing them? How about my telling you that you can't be hostile and simultaneously ignite the higher ends of your nervous system? Quite simply, your position in the Grid is made to react in some way, and the most common way is that which is labeled hostility, anger, hatred. Then that energy is passed from Line level down; but you can't let it become part of your consciousness. You have got to be able to rise above all that. You have to discover that you can activate the nervous system and actually begin to live internally in a place that is not natural. This is not done through faith, but through your own effort. In this place above the Line you can See the energy passing, See exactly what is going on. There is no "out there." JC Talk 113