Diagram 037
Re Talk: 108
Diagram # 037 illustration
Attempting to outline an exact timetable of the development of the circuitry would be trying to travel the Straight Line illusion; evolution did not go from "there" to "here". But, in terms of this map, history is divided into three periods: the age of the Barbarian, the age of the Troubadour, and the age of the Philosopher. The Barbarian refers to an almost totally Red Circuit being. During the age of the Troubadour, Man developed what appears to be the more Blue Circuit characteristics, becoming an artist, a singer, a storyteller. The age of the Philosopher marks the development of the Yellow Circuit.
Everyone can find within themselves a focal point in the circuitry where their dreams of self originate. Consider that your dreams of self come in the form of dreams of the Barbarian, the Troubadour, or the Philosopher: The Barbarian dreams of greater strength or attractiveness; the Troubadour dreams of attaining love, respect or fame; the Philosopher wishes for superior knowledge and intellectual abilities. And that about covers it.
This map outlines a human figure. The Yellow, Blue and Red Circuit spheres of influence are indicated by lines drawn in those colors. The Yellow sphere of influence goes from the top of the head to slightly below the shoulders, where it overlaps the Blue. The Blue goes from the top of the shoulders, right at the base of the neck, to slightly below the pelvis, where it overlaps the Red. The Red sphere encompasses the pelvic area and goes to the bottom of the feet. (Those interested might compare this map to my earlier drawing of the spine and the bridge point openings.)
Consider that the Red sphere of influence is inhabited by the Barbarian; the Blue sphere by the Troubadour; the Yellow sphere by the Philosopher, and that your dreams of self originate primarily in one of these locales. That is a fair representation of the history of humanity, and is a living reality in everyone.
Do not be misled by the apparent simplicity of this map. It is not just that the Philosopher is working in the head; this is an overlapping series of three spheres of influence. Consider that the spheres interconnect at certain points and that you can feel this when you talk and move. If you are talking to a Barbarian, you can feel that affect in your Troubadour and Philosopher zones. Or you might be out at a nightclub, really dancing and having fun, when suddenly somebody you want to impress asks you to dance, and everything shifts. It is as if the main sphere of influence should be the Barbarian, but the Troubadour -- that great singer of songs, dreamer of dreams and teller of tales, has cut in. If you have any leftover impression of the Barbarian having danced a few seconds before, you know that something is not quite right.
Observe yourself and other people. When you are watching people, look at their feet and hips, their hands and shoulders, and then try to notice head movement. Consider, are you observing a Barbarian, a Troubadour, or a Philosopher? There is much more to Posture than can ever be detailed. For example, you may have noticed that this outline of a person does not include the hands. Hands are tricky insofar as the spheres of influence are concerned, because they can show up in any of the three major spheres.
Neuralize this map. It is the history of you. JC talk 108