Diagram 014
Re Talk: 50, 51, 52
Diagram # 014 illustration
Now consider that there are six places that continually are bleeding information mechanically. Then consider that that is out further into two, the two being the exciting and the calming system. There is a dampener that is continually in operation in everyone. It's in operation in all of humanity, but individually it manifests itself like the thin, internal membrane of an egg. If you could break an eggshell carefully enough, it will all hold together by that internal membrane. This dampening factor is like that membrane. It moves. It can give a little, it can contract a little, but it is the home of personality. This dampening control field is the combination of how the wiring, the circuitry in you, has been activated and then held in check. What appears to be your personality is resolved from it. Consider your feeling of always looking for something new. "What can we do? What's a new show? Where can we go tonight?"
That's not just within you. Just look at life. Everything falls within a certain parameter, a certain boundary of being predictable. If it gets too unpredictable, you can't stand it, the circuits will not take it. If the source of the unexpectedness seems to be a human, they simply put that human away. You can see these limits everywhere, in the news, on television, or you can go to a movie or go hear a band. Someone says, "There's a movie I recommend without reservation. In fact, I'll go back with you to see it again. I can't even tell you what it was like, it was so unusual." And it will not be so unusual, or it shouldn't be to most of you people by now. I'm not making any would-be, artistic critique of movies, but in the ordinary world, once you begin to see it, that which is called "new, surprising, stimulating" is not, because it is a very small realm.
There are no surprises. The news is the same thing every day. They change the names, or they say, "Here is a brand new movie" or, "Here is the hit t.v. show of the week" or, "Here is a brand new band that's taking music in a new direction." Now if you're an ordinary person, you have to live within that context. There is the appearance of a small, continual range of new excitement. "I did like that movie. I've never seen a science fiction movie where they made up people from outer space to look that gruesome. Ooh, I'd never seen anything like that." However, you have seen something similar to what you've seen before, something familiar.