Diagram 005
Re talks: 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18,19, 23, 29, 32, 38, 42 and 89
Diagram # 005 illustration
"The energy of Life enters the nervous system at the base of the spine, and from there it runs up the spine to its final, furthest point of development -- the Horizontal Line of Consciousness in the brain. Picture the spine as one of the feed-in wires, the cables that run current into your home. If you strip the covering off the cable, you see that it frays out in bunches of tiny wires. And that's also the picture of what happens to your spine as it approaches the Horizontal Line in your brain. It's an open-ended spine, and, at the Line, it branches into smaller and smaller nerve endings. Every nervous system on this planet is developed only to the common level of consciousness -- the Horizontal Line. But the Line doesn't just cut off the spine. It culminates in these frayed nerve endings -- tiny wires -- and they're always in motion. They're always searching, for satisfaction, for completion. And it is this -- the incessant motion of the wires, the continual search -- that makes further growth possible for man, and for Life.
No human nervous system on this planet is finalized. No one is complete. Every spine culminates -- at the Line -- in little waving nerve ends searching for the ultimate satisfaction and completion." JC talk 0011